Got back to school Saturday night, the only interesting story about that is that I didn't know that meal plans didn't start until Sunday night for dinner...Man that sucked, had to survive during the day on hot cheetos and a cookie. Makes for a solid breakfast/lunch yum yum. Snowboarding was sooo much fun, definitely my highlight of break, but so painful afterwards. I can't believe my right shoulder is still so sore. Haha many good memories, sometimes it's not what you do on a trip, but the people you go with that make it really memorable. Ben Du's driving, fitting all the snowboards in Will's little car, trying to learn toe and eating it again and again (don't know how ben du does it...), the freakin scary fog and rain that tried to kill us, the almost endless train, Will talkin trash on our really nice waiter, learning from Mike what the true cause of food coma is, and chillin' at Will's house.
Winter break '07 was definitely unique. I've never felt so many emotional ups and downs in my life. From anger that made me want to punch walls in frustration, anger at mostly myself for the mistakes I make, sadness at life in both mine and when taking care of my grandparents and realizing that life is so short, but also joy in both seeing my family desire to go to church and thinking about the fact that as a Christian, I have hope and a knowledge of real truth that is an eternity with God the Father. One thing I need work on is to not dwell on sins I've committed, and to put them behind me after I repent. I'm looking forward to this quarter though, not so much the school and taking 18 units, but seeing how God is going to work in me and my brothers here at UCLA. As Richard is always telling me, follow the path that God creates for you, don't go trying to make your own path because God has everything in your life planned out, it is our job to be obedient and follow.