Monday, December 01, 2008

Thinking Heaven-ward

So this year like nearly every year before, I spent Thanksgiving with my family. Just the 4 of us. Thanksgiving has always had a special place in my heart, primarily because it was the first and only holiday that our restaurant was closed on for a while until we added 4th of July and then Christmas later. It has always been something simple and probably much different from other families. Instead of cooking, my parents take the opportunity to NOT cook, and we usually go out and eat lunch and dinner. This year seemed a little different for some reason. Maybe it was because I felt like I hadn't been home in a long time, and my parents felt it too. Being home never felt so good. When I'm all grown up and out of college I'm gonna miss this so much. Funny how we can take such a blessing like family and a comfortable home for granted for so long and then when we feel that it won't be there forever, we start treasuring it even more. But then something like heaven where we will live in for eternity after our earthly bodies have passed, we don't treasure all that much because we're so short sighted. I cling to so many things of this world.

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