Thursday, February 15, 2007

Long time no post

Hey sorry everyone for not updating this thing in a while, I've been busy with a lot of stuff, but it's all good!!! During ET tonight I was talking to Matt's friend who's a believer, and as she was sharing her testimony she told me that "the Christian life is like a roller coaster, filled with ups and downs." --edit--After thinking about this statement again later on, I realized that it is only partly true, in one way it is true because as we deal with trials and struggle within, we can feel like we are going down, and we finally do look to God that is when we start rising up.--edit--Man...can't wait for RESOLVED! Oh yeah one more thing, playing IM bball has definitely humbled me serverely. At least I got my first WIN last week! It was a loong two years, but thanks to everyone who came out tonight for our last game of the quarter unfortuantely. It's all about Spring Quarter!!

1 comment:

edchao said...

not to be a downer, but the unchanging Scripture is what makes the roller coaster into a straightway train. But I feel ya anyhow.